We develop complete products from concept to manufacturing. Our product development plans are integrated with our client's business plan. We identify every step from the proposal through to the first customer shipment. We allocate the development tasks between us and the client. Clearly defining the capital required to reach production creates a financial guideline for the project.
ID/Mechanical Engineering: We develop a plan that includes a week-by-week schedule from concept through to production for industrial design and mechanical engineering. It clearly defines design fees, milestones and critical decision points.
Vendor Estimates: We include budget estimates for related vendor costs for prototypes, testing, tooling, and manufacturing.
Electronics/Software/Hardware Development: Whether we work with your team or we use our experienced electronics, software and technology development partners, our plan identifies important collaboration milestones and deliverables during the project.
Regulatory Management: We design to meet international regulatory standards for medical devices, electronic products and consumer products.
Manufacturing: We develop the manufacturing supply chain as we develop the product. We have defined relationships with contract manufacturers.