User research provides discovery, insight, and guidance to the creative process. We verify user requirements, test assumptions and proposed concepts. We optimize the design for usability. We use observation and professional insight for timely, efficient and cost effective research.
Initial Analysis: We evaluate the client’s assumptions, proposed design solutions, and target users.
Formative Testing: We may interview users and simulate use. This confirms assumptions, discovers user insights and misconceptions. The goal is periodic guidance of the development process.
Task Analysis: We create a list of sequential steps, decision points, control actions and feedback loops. This is used to guide risk analysis, formative testing, and use simulation. This creates a metric for comparing alternative concepts.
Ergonomics: We define a user population, their physical size, strength and cognitive capabilities. This guides evaluation of comfort and safety. This is an early step in our design process.
Product Use Simulations: We develop simulated use scenarios. These scenarios consider the product life cycle. This includes first time setup and training, ordinary use, and maintenance. The goal is to define critical objectives for each area of concern.
Summative Testing: Our formative testing creates the foundation for successful summative test results. We refer formal summative testing to our expert consultants or our clients.